2020-1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2021-00236 Tudásfejlesztés támogatása a legújabb mesterséges intelligencia eszközök felhasználásával
Versenyképes Közép-Magyarországi Operatív Program – VEKOP-2.1.1-15 Vállalatok K+F+I tevékenységének támogatása

Software solutions


Software retailing (Oracle, HP, HDS, Veritas, Cloudera)

Invigor deals with IT software sales, including the server side (operating system, database, application server) and with software component sales. As an Oracle Gold partner, we are licensed to sell the complete technology portfolio, including "Enterprise" level products.

Application tuning, optimization, performance tuning

With our considerable professional experience, we are able to successfully and rapidly implement application optimization and performance improvement tasks according to our clients’ requests. We are also able to explore those system aspects, components or settings that enable significant performance improvements after tuning or optimization. We have excellent references in these kinds of optimization solutions.

Oracle's software licensing consulting

Our experts can provide advice on Oracle licensing. This advice covers the determination of license purchasing as well as any existing license coverage, including the assessment and optimization of product support.

Software installation

Our professionals can install any purchased software in line with our clients’ requirements.

Nagios implementáció, konfiguráció, és segítségnyújtás az ügyfeleinknek

Nagios® egy nyílt forráskódú, ingyenes, rendszer és hálózat monitorozó szoftver, mellyel a hardware rétegtől az applikációs rétegig a teljes IT infrastruktúra felügyelete megoldható. Ügyfeleink között szerepelnek a magyar bankok, pénzintézetek, állami cégek, ahol kollégáink  sikeresen vezették be egyedi nyílt forrású Nagios megoldásunkat. Kollégáink segítik az ügyfeleinket a tervezés, implementáció, oktatás, üzemeltetés és támogatás területén. Több sikeres projektben is részt vettünk, mikor a Nagios felügyeleti rendszert más IT rendszerekkel (Incident Managemenet rendszer) kellett integrálni.


Operating systems

Operating systems


Operating experience: Installation, configuration and support of Solaris OS in a corporate environment. Number of systems supported: 300-400, from the "entry-level" and "midrange" through to “high-end” server systems, storage and network devices. Reference: OTP Bank Plc – entire infrastructure now based on Sun’s Solaris operating system.

Migration experience: Storage Migration from Sun StorEdge 9980 to Sun StorageTek 9990V system, a total storage capacity of 30 TB. From V880 Server System Migration to E20K system, the migration involving a total of approximately 50 CPU.

Database systems

Database systems


Operating experience: Operation experience of 7-11 Oracle database systems; support for developers, recovery, tuning, design, RAC, DG.

Migration experience: Numerous successful migrations of Oracle 7-8-9-10-11 at our clients.

Backup systems

Backup systems


Operating experience: Implementation and support of backup of whole banking systems based on the VERITAS NetBackup software.

Migration experience: VERITAS NetBackup Version updates at our clients.


Operating experience: ACSLS-based backup system implementation and support.

Migration experience: ACSLS version release updates at our clients.




Operating experience: Demo installations and configuration.

Solaris 10 containers (zones)

Operating experience: Installation, configuration and support of Solaris Zones technology implemented systems. Number of systems supported: 40-50.

Migration experience: Migration of Solaris machines to Solaris Zones environment.

Big data

Big data


Operating experience: Architecture planning of Cloudera based Big data systems, the creation of Cloudera optimized HW environment, implementation of cluster functionality, the setup of customized configurations and performance tuning.

Migration experience: Cloudera version upgrades.